Did You Know?
Did you know that batteries, compact fluorescent light bulbs(CFLs)and fluorescent light tubes are banned from being thrown in your garbage can?
Banned From Your Can
City Implements Door-to-Door Collection of Batteries and Light Bulbs
Many of us don't even think about throwing our old batteries and compact fluorescent light bulbs in the garbage cans. But since 2006, these items, along with fluorescent light tubes have been banned from garbage cans by the state of California.
Realizing that residents often don't have any quick and easy options for disposal of these items, the City of Sacramento Department of Utilities is implementing a new residential door-to-door collection of these items by appointment.
Participating is easy! First, collect batteries, compact fluorescent light bulbs and fluorescent light tubes. Then call the City of Sacramento Department of Utilities at 808-5454 to schedule an appointment. On your appointment day, place the items out for collection. Please put batteries in a closeable freezer bag, put light bulbs in a container and wrap the light tubes to prevent breaking. Place the items on your driveway, away from the street and curb and City crews will collect it.
For more information about proper disposal of household hazardous waste, recycling, green waste or solid waste services, please visit www.cityofsacramento.org/utilities or call 808-5454.

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